Friday, January 22, 2010


So here is an idea for a regular, or at least semi-regular, i. e. when I think about, post title or topic called, WISH LIST.

This list will be composed of, that's right, wishes. Wishes for things I would like to have down on the farm. And everyone knows that if wishes were fishes we would all cast nets.

I WISH we had a chipper! Not some tiny twig chomper like from the Homo Depot. But, a great big fucker to eat up whole trees if we want. One of the giant jobies from Vermeer or Morbark. A self feeding monster that is towed behind a truck or a tractor and has a winch to pull huge piles of brush right into the maw.

It's just a wish so I am going for broke. With a piece of equipment like this we can chip up the ten or so brush piles in, frankly, no time at all. Seriously, an entire 25 foot cherry tree can be reduced to wood chips in 5 minutes!

The beauty of having one of these is that all generated material stays on the farm. All nutrients tied up in the tree, for example, goes right back, eventually, into the soil, the land that comprises the Farm. None of it is carried away, or even set afire and burned up in smoke.
And well, that just makes me happy!

I WISH we had a wood chipper!

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