Thursday, August 26, 2010


Last summer I saw fifteen thousand Bumble Bees everyday. I think this year all combined I have seen 20 Bumble Bees.

Such hard workers these bees. I loved harvesting among them.

I miss them this summer. I have only recently begun to see more of them. And it is only one variety: smallish with yellow bands real low on the abdomen and high on the thorax(like above image). What happened to all others I have no idea. The December Deep Freeze could be the cause. It is troubling to lose such a devout pollinator.

Thistle Galore

I think I have harvested more seed heads and flowers from Sow Thistle and Canada Thistle than Tomatoes and Summer Squash combined.

Both the weeds are a menace and are everywhere. The best I can do is realize we can never get it all one hundred percent. I also am joyed knowing that every seed and flower head I "harvest" reduces the population of potential weeds by 87, 349. We have made some Terrific Progress in manual weed control over the last few weeks.

We shall overcome!

It is a good feeling to have in August when Weeding loses its urgency. I can barely believe it myself.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Week 12?

If it is The Twelevth of CSA shares for Twenty-ten, then we are over half way through the Season, already. I think it's a 22 Week season. Maybe thats why the notion hit me today. That Notion being that the minimal amount of posting at this site should be A List of Each Week's CSA share. And why not?

2 pounds Potatoes-not sure of the varity.

1 pound Cherry Tomatoes-Sun Gold

2 large cuccumbers-Green Slam

Large Egg Plant-Black Beauty

1/2 pound Salad Mix

1+ pound Summer Squash-Patty Pan and others

3 Gypsy Peppers

1 pound Green Beans-Maxibel

No fruit theis week. Hmmmm? Appels can go any time now. First Cider Presssing and Potluck is Sept. 5. Appel juice running out of the press from Appels you just picked and are pressing, is truly the Best Apple Juice there is, anywhere.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Ride

Up and down. In and out. Peaks and valleys. Ebb and flow.

Yep. It is a ride. Not too often a wild ride, but there are thrills and spills. High and low.

I bring this up because I fear, and feel, the Passion wanning. Maybe because it is hot. Maybe it is because the farm is as close to Autopilot it can fly. We are half way thru the CSA season and feeling tired. I am tired because I have nearly abused myself for three days. Ass was dragin' and I felt wiped, worn out and devoid of energy. Others sure seemed to be in the same boat.

The abuse I am talking about came in the three previous days. See, guilt had creep inside me and the only way I could fight was to put my head down and Work. Work hard and fast. Like a mule in blinders I had narrow vision.

I had to get some energy. Physical speed and power took the place of lackluster, failing passion. Parts and pieces of me are hurting now. Too Much pulling and tearing of weeds. Too Much heavy lifting with my legs, of course, and back and Anger. Bruce Banner was always looking for the Strength. Instead he got the Hulk, and The Hulk, well, HULK SMASH! It was only an old railroad tie and cider block. And, it did relieve some pressure...I smashed it as best I could.

Anyway, as we say down on the Farm,"My neckback shoulder ankletoe wrist hurts".

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I forgot what the bleep I was going to post. I was sitting here with an idea, and, poof it is gone. I blame the "Done, but with errors on page" message bottom left on my screen. I dont know what the errors are, how many, or how to get rid of them. Screw it! I'll be back.